Crazy Might Work
Issue #17 | September 2023
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
– John Quincy Adams
– John Quincy Adams
10 Best Leadership Capability Frameworks And What You Need To Know About Them
In theory, investing in leadership capability should create a culture that no one wants to leave. To test this assumption, we asked successful HR Executives how they develop leadership capability, which (if any) frameworks they use, and when to use them. Our interviewees told us that many frameworks are out-dated or disconnected from organisational reality. They shared which are most useful, and what to watch out for with each. Their hard-earned lessons learned are summarised in this article, with the detailed report to come out in October 2023.
Announcement: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
You can avoid death by PowerPoint and build a collective vision and strategy that everyone is committed to
Get access to a method designed to build better strategies using the full human brain by organisations like Accenture, Google and Apple.
Crazy Might Work are now accredited in this breakthrough method and ready to take you through an extraordinary LEGO® Serious Play® experience that is getting 5 Star reviews from leadership teams in every industry.
NASA 4-Dimensional Leadership Program
The 4-Dimensional Leadership program used by NASA, equips leaders with with the context-shifting tools to create high performing teams, eliminating the need for Tuckman’s ‘forming, storming, norming and performing’ phases (and the associated drama). The next public NASA 4-D Program starts on Tuesday 10 October, or contact us for in-house options.