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Crazy Might Work | Issue #3 | September 2022

“We will meet again.”

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Queen of Comms

Crazy Might Work would like to take this opportunity to offer our condolences to the Royal family and to reflect on the tremendous legacy left by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her majesty is known for some compelling speeches, including this example of her address to the people of the UK at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is so surprising about this speech, and many other famous ones like it, is that it conforms to a leadership formula developed for NASA, called 4-Dimensional leadership. This approach to leadership (and oratory) addresses four dimensions of exemplary leaders, namely: Nurturing, Including, Visioning and Directing.
We invite you to revisit this speech here and notice how the Queen intuitively acknowledges and appreciates the selfless service of frontline workers (Nurturing).  She then states that success in fighting the pandemic is something that belongs to all of us (Including) and provides a grounded, but optimistic, view of the future (Visioning) which suggests that future generations will hold the current one in high regard. Finally,  she reminds the British people of the sacrifice that will be required by self-isolation (Directing).
To learn more about this historically pervasive way of influencing, listen to our podcast interview with Charlie Pellerin, or join the upcoming NASA-4D Spring program below.

The third episode of the exclusive interview with Dr. Charlie Pellerin is live!

Dr. Charlie Pellerin explains the difference between Red and Green storylines and how shifting between them can dramatically influence team outcomes! 

Check out the interview of CRAZYPodcast on our YouTube Channel and other major podcast sites! 

Astronaut Spacewalking

NASA 4-D Leadership Program for High-Performing Teams

Interested in learning the secrets of NASA's highest-peforming teams? Or want to know how your team fares against NASA? Join our public, virtual NASA 4-D Program starting in October 2022, or contact us for an in-house program. Register Here!