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Crazy Might Work

Issue #22 | June 2024

‘Dr. Pellerin knows how NASA works from long experience within the organization, and years of collaboration with the agency from outside. What he has learned about how NASA puts together teams to attain out-of-this-world goals will help you and your organization achieve your goals.’ – Dr. Michael D. Griffin, NASA Administrator (2005-2009)

AusSpace 24 Australian Space Summit
Paul Hawkins at AUS Space 24 Summit

Leadership Lessons from Frontiers, like Space

In May 2024, we presented the 4-Dimensional Leadership Program that helped make NASA the Best Place to Work in federal government for the 12th year in a row (as at May 2024). Its four leadership dimensions and eight behaviours have been transformative for the 1,500 NASA teams that have voluntarily completed the program. To learn more about what has made this approach equally successful in 100,000 teams across 75 countries and every industry imaginable, listen to our Chief Combobulator, Paul Hawkins, being interviewed at the AUS Space 24 Summit in Sydney, by host Adam Thorn. Or join our next public program.

Next Online Program Launch Date | 1st July 2024

Our next online public program starts on 1st July and we are making a $200 discount available to anyone who registers by 28th June 2024. Use discount code AUSSPACE24 to register here.

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Podcast Paul Hawkins and Adam Thorn

PODCAST | Paul Hawkins with Host Adam Thorn

The Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters, along with other failed missions led NASA to rethink how it fostered leadership and culture. Now, Crazy Might Work is using an ultra-modern version of the NASA 4-Dimensional Leadership Program (based on the current space program) to share those learnings with other organisations and leadership teams.

In this special episode recorded at the Australian Space Summit in May 2024, Paul Hawkins talks to host Adam Thorn about the the program, it’s origins in Antarctica, whether leaders are born or made, and how NASA became the best place to work in federal government for the 12th year in a row. Listen on your preferred platform below.

Astronaut in space

1 July 2024 | NASA 4-Dimensional Leadership Program

This immersive program can be delivered in-house or online and will allow you to experience elements of astronaut training, whilst acquiring the eight core behaviours of high-performing teams.

Join us for 8 sessions between 1 and 25 July, each Monday and Thursday (from 12:00pm – 2:00pm AEST). Be quick. These programs sell out fast.

Register by 28 June 2024 using the AUSSPACE24  discount code  to get the $200 discount. REGISTER

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