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Crazy Might Work | Issue #10 | December 2022

“To infinity and Beyond”

Buzz Lightyear , Toy Story

It has been a big year and, like many of you, our team is taking a short vacation. Just wanted to thank our Friends, Clients and Partners for the privilege of working with you in 2022. To the leaders in law enforcement, emergency services, health, law, pharma, space, not-for-profit, academia and corporations who had the courage to try a little ‘Crazy Might Work’ – we thank you for your willingness to challenge the status quo and do the seemingly impossible. We also drew inspiration from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who engendered loyalty and defiance that surpassed all expectations, and a well-deserved accolade in Times Person of the Year. And noted the passing of one of the greatest leaders of our lifetime – the Queen. Never better than in this demonstration of statesmanship during the peak of the COVID pandemic.

Here at homebase, Crazy Might Work won the APAC Insider Consultant of the Year, launched the CRAZY Podcast, CRAZYWORKS newsletter and the NASA 4-D Leading4Breakthrough® program.

We look forward to doing it all again, with you (just differently) in 2023!

Warm regards

Paul and the Crazy Might Work team

In our next podcast, trailblazer, Dr. Ron Farmer brought cognitive behavioural psychology to Australia and rapidly earned a reputation as a leading behavioural and sex therapist. Then, the unexpected happened – Ron had a nervous breakdown of his own and had to apply all his training as a clinical psychologist to bring himself back from the brink of anxiety and despair. This is the story of his dance with fear, and some of the deep learnings that led him to create free resources for anyone experiencing a similar journey. Check out the podcast here: ‘Befriend Your Fears’

Do check out for free self-help therapy resources provided by Dr. Ron Farmer.

Astronaut Spacewalking

NASA 4-D Leadership & High-Performing Teams Online Program

Based on the updated and revised 4-D program used by NASA, it is critically different in that it equips teams with the social leadership skills required to create psychological safety and set the scene for high performance.

The public program consists of 8 weekly sessions, running from 12:00pm to 1:30pm (AEST) on consecutive Thursdays.

Join one of our online public programs or contact us to run the program in-house at

Summer Program

Autumn Program

Winter Program

Spring Program