About the Program
You will join the top 1% of innovators who have more than one creative option at their disposal. Get the Leading4Breakthrough® innovation playbook and master the methods for achieving truly creative results. Leave the one-trick ponies behind with this smorgasbord of the very best thinking about innovation globally. If you thought design thinking and innovation were synonymous, then this program will blow your mind.
Used by innovators, strategists and leaders in government and Fortune 500 corporations, Leading4Breakthrough® has transformed health care, industrial engineering and even space. For those seeking spectacular change, rather than incremental business improvement, this is the ultimate cocktail of leading-edge thinking and methodologies – a mind-expanding curation of the best creative problem-solving methods in the world.

Who is it for?
- Leaders and practitioners looking for a world-leading methodology for breakthrough thinking
- HR professionals seeking to promote a culture of innovation and build this capability internally
- Customer insight and strategy professionals who rely on breakthrough perspectives for differentiation
- Acquire a diverse range of lateral thinking methods for generating breakthrough insight
- Apply these to your most wicked strategic and professional challenges for transformational innovation
- Be inspired and informed by great minds that have gone before you, from brilliant inventors to Nobel Laureates