10th Managing Partners Forum – Ideation Session

17th and 18th February 2017

Crazy Might Work led an immersive ideation session on the future of innovation in the law industry

As 60 of Australia’s top managing partners converged on Byron Bay for the 10th annual Managing Partners Forum, innovation took centre stage. 

“Every law firm – no matter its size and reach – has the opportunity to adopt new practices, embrace new technologies and explore fresh business practices in order to streamline operations and deliver better value.”

Crazy Might Work brought a little bit of positive disruption to the room and got everyone tapped into their inner child for the workshop. The room was abuzz with marshmallows, straw towers and delegates running to and fro getting their groups message across.  We asked the question, ‘with so many disruptions what are the critical leadership attributes for this new world?’. It was an extremely interactive and fun session that proved a little crazy does work and that doing things differently can have pleasing results.

If you would like to learn more about past or upcoming events, please get in contact with a member of our team.