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A head of human resources recently asked me, "What is one thing that makes the NASA 4-D program different from the 100's of leadership development programs out there?".
" Results.", I replied.
But in reality, I could have said 10 different things:

10 Things that Make the NASA 4-Dimensional Leadership Program Outstanding

  1. Results: NASA found that teams statistically improve against the NASA benchmark by about 4-5% on average each time they do it. Our data suggests a much larger improvement (more than double this number). NASA claimed a Return on Investment (ROI) of 450%.
  2. Engagement: Where an Employee Net Promoter Score (ENPS) is one of our client measures, this is consistently at the top end of the spectrum.
  3. Currency: The program is based on contemporary research in leadership and team cohesion, much of which comes from the current space program.
  4. Evidence-based: Substituting psychological theories for social neuroscience, this program is literally a blueprint for high performance.
  5. Practical: Leaders leave each session with a concrete set of actions that they can immediately put into practice.
  6. Tailored: These practices are captured in a Playbook, where teams can make these practices their own. Customising or creating versions that suit their team culture.
  7. Behavioural: Because the eight underlying leadership behaviours are unmistakable, you see immediate positive change as they are implemented.
  8. Immersive: Drawing on the current space program and astronaut training, the program creates a parallel journey that is captivating. Who doesn’t want to be an astronaut for a couple of days?
  9. Equipping: In addition to the Playbook, the program equips leaders with a toolkit that survives well beyond the core program. The Context Shifting Blueprint and Team Standards Framework are examples of this.
  10. Not About Space: As enthralling as this aspect of the program is, it is not fundamentally about space. You will emerge a more confident and capable leader, no matter how many leadership development programs you have completed.

Architected by Charlie Pellerin, the former Director of Astrophysics at NASA, the 4-Dimensional Leadership Course is critically different in that it equips leaders to create the social conditions for high performance. This leadership framework is peerless, updated with contemporary neuroscientific studies and simulations from the current space program. If you would like to know more, keep scrolling.

NASA 4-Dimensions

The Experience

Expert practitioners deliver stimulating, immersive and memorable learning experiences, using simulations drawn from the current space program. These transfer readily and are immediately applied to your workplace.  Leadership course learnings are exchanged creating rich peer-to-peer learning.

Benchmark Against NASA

The 4-D Leadership Course enables organisations to benchmark their teams against over 1,500 NASA project and engineering teams.  These comprise astronauts,  scientists, engineers and managers. We review the results with you and create a Playbook (based on the NASA version) to operationalise your behavioural insights. Typically, teams improve by 4-5% each time they benchmark the leadership course behaviours.



High Performance

Be equipped with the skills to create psychological safety and high-performing teams


Alter Social Context

Acquire the ability to recognise and shift teams away from ‘red story lines’ to reality-based optimism


Be Inspired

Take inspiration from the lessons that made NASA the Best Place to Work in Federal Government for 11 years in a row


Save Time

Establish high-performing teams without the usual ‘forming’, ‘storming’, ‘norming’ and ‘performing’ dramas


Immediate Application

Apply these behaviours to your organisation for accreditation and immediate impact


The public leadership course runs as 8 x 90 minute modules, delivered virtually, once a week. Organisations running the leadership course internally can customise the cadence and delivery to suit. In both formats, the leadership course is designed to be immersive and experiential, with participants applying new skills to real organisational challenges between sessions.

Who Should Attend?

  • LEADERS AT ALL LEVELS – You are never too young or too old to master the leadership skills that make teams high-performing.
  • CHIEF LEARNING OFFICERS – HR Executives looking for something unique in the leadership development space.
  • CULTURE TRANSFORMERS – If you think that leaders working with their teams can transform your culture, you are right.

Upcoming NASA 4-D Leadership Course

Check out the Latest Program Dates 

8 x online sessions 2 hours each on consecutive Thursdays

12:00pm to 2:00pm (AEST)

All sessions are recorded (for program participants only) so you will not miss any content.


$1,999 per participant

If you have a discount code, you will be able to enter it on the registration page.

Get Started

Podcast on ‘How NASA Build Teams’

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What Clients Say About the NASA 4-D Leadership Course

Thank you to the team at Crazy Might Work for the last 2 months of fantastic insights into NASA's 4-Dimensional Leadership Course, which equips leaders and high-performing teams with the ability to create the social conditions for high performance. Lots of learnings and practical examples and such a fun and different way of facilitating professional learning. Excellent course!

Head of Corporate StrategyLeading Private Health Insurer

Melanie and Paul were engaging facilitators who clearly were well versed in the NASA 4-D Leadership Course. The program was very relevant for understanding how to achieve a high performing teams and the tools discussed provided good ways to achieve this outcome for our team.


If you seriously want to learn new ways of working and are willing to think outside the inherent norms most teams operate under, you will definitely learn a lot from the course.


Lots of take home messages to apply in the workplace.


Access the NASA playbook on how to innovate and create an open culture of learning - and have some fun. This workshop is one of the best I've done, period. Deeply insightful, regenerative and providing tools that deliver the leadership narrative necessary for managing a new era of digital talent.

Senior Sales DirectorVMware

The NASA 4D program helped to articulate and present what many of us know intuitively to be important to help performing teams. Bringing these to the surface and providing a framework for building high performance teams purposefully will be a practice I will take into the future.

Executive LeaderListed Property Group

The NASA 4-D Leadership Program is truly unique as it helps leaders understand and then shape their context through the application of 8 key behaviours. The upfront leadership benchmarking provided the important baseline from which to build, whilst the exercises were engaging and unique. Who doesn’t want to pretend they’re an astronaut for a day or so? 4-D was an investment in self-development and inspiration, and one that I would recommend to other leaders wishing to build high performing teams.

Chief Technology OfficerListed Property Group